Bruxisme : traitement par biofeedback musculaire

Reda Slimani-Sebbouba
Kinésithér Scient 2015,0561:05-09 - 10/01/2015
Le bruxisme excentré (grincement de dents) ou centré (serrements de dents) est une praxie plus souvent involontaire et nocturne, qui aboutit à une hypertrophie des muscles élévateurs de la mandibule (masséters et temporaux) avec un déséquilibre entre les muscles abaisseurs et les muscles élévateurs de la mandibule. Il est à l'origine du syndrome algo-dysfonctionnel de l'appareil manducateur (SADAM) qui se manifeste par des algies de la face, des bruits articulaires, une déviation de la mandibule lors de l'ouverture buccale. Le biofeedback musculaire est la prise de conscience de la contraction musculaire, mais aussi du relâchement musculaire. Cette technique permet d'obtenir un relâchement des masséters, diminuant ainsi leur tension et leur hyperactivité, et traitant ainsi les algies faciales.
Bruxism (grinding or clenching of the teeth) is a praxia which is most often involuntary and nocturnal which results in hypertrophy of the elevators of the mandible (masseter and temporalis) creating an imbalance between the muscles that lower and elevate the mandible. It is the cause of dysfunctions of the tempo-mandibular joint (TMJ) which can result in facial pain, crepitus as well as a deviation of the mandible with mouth opening. Muscle biofeedback creates awareness of muscle contraction but also muscle relaxation. This technique allows relaxation of the masseters, thus decreasing their tension and hyperactivity and treats facial pain.
Bruxism (grinding or clenching of the teeth) is a praxia which is most often involuntary and nocturnal which results in hypertrophy of the elevators of the mandible (masseter and temporalis) creating an imbalance between the muscles that lower and elevate the mandible. It is the cause of dysfunctions of the tempo-mandibular joint (TMJ) which can result in facial pain, crepitus as well as a deviation of the mandible with mouth opening. Muscle biofeedback creates awareness of muscle contraction but also muscle relaxation. This technique allows relaxation of the masseters, thus decreasing their tension and hyperactivity and treats facial pain.