Impact postural des entorses de cheville au hand-ball

Franck Lagniaux
Kinésithér Scient 2015,0561:17-21 - 10/01/2015
The functional impact of ankle sprains in sports practice is not to be any more demonstrated. I, the handball, the sport of archetypal support, the consequences of poor management directly impact the e¬fficiency of the activity. Postural deficit is one of the indicators to be taken into account in the balance sheets put in place to determine the overall level athlete recovery victim of this disease. It was decided to perform a postural analysis on a group of 38 handball players. The population was divided into two samples (having or not presented a sprained ankle) and compared to a control population. The results suggest that a sprained ankle impact anything postural bipodales constant in both open and closed eyes. An analysis of surface parameters and speed under each foot does not appear to change this setting.