Prévention des pathologies lombaires chez le véliplanchiste

Benjamin Tillier
Kinésithér Scient 2014,0560:29-38 - 10/12/2014
La planche à voile est un sport jeune en perpétuelle évolution. Le véliplanchiste permet le lien entre la voile et la planche, afin de transmettre la force du vent pour faire avancer le support. Lors de la répétition de ces transferts d'énergie, il va ainsi subir de nombreuses contraintes physiques qui engendrent fréquemment des pathologies lombaires. L'objectif de ce travail est de déterminer si un protocole, testé durant 5 mois, basé sur différentes techniques de préparation physique sécuritaire et d'étirements, peut permettre de prévenir les pathologies lombaires du véliplanchiste.
Windsurfing is a young sport which is in perpetual evolution. The windsurfer is the link between the surfboard and the sail in order to transmit wind strength to move. When repeating this transfer of energy various physical stress exists which can lead to lumbar pathology. The aim of this work is to determine if a protocol tested for 5 months, based on different techniques of physical preparation and stretching can prevent lumbar pathology in windsurfers.
Windsurfing is a young sport which is in perpetual evolution. The windsurfer is the link between the surfboard and the sail in order to transmit wind strength to move. When repeating this transfer of energy various physical stress exists which can lead to lumbar pathology. The aim of this work is to determine if a protocol tested for 5 months, based on different techniques of physical preparation and stretching can prevent lumbar pathology in windsurfers.