Transnosographie des processus attentionnels basée sur le modèle Master Activation Map : étude préliminaire d'un continuum neuropsychiatrique

George Michael, Corine Pannetier, Valérie Chastain, Cyril Couffe, Catherine Padovan, Delphine Fabre, Jean-Michel Dorey, Philippe Neuschwander
Kinésithér Scient 2014,0550:41-45 - 10/01/2014
The aim of the present study was to assess orienting, inhibition and central resources in head injury, adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and schizophrenia. The same experimental protocole was used throughout the study in order to warant a transnosographic comparison. The results suggest that each one of these three pathologies is characterized by a spacific attentional phenotype, but they also show the importance of theoretical models in such investigations.