Golf et lombalgie : prévalence et prévention

Gabrielle Cadet
Kinésithér Scient 2013,539:05-12 - 10/01/2013
Golf is a sport that is more and more popular particularly for seniors, regardless of whether or not they played sport in their younger years. The golf swing is a difficult movement which can be physically stressful and is the cause of frequent injuries especially to the lumbar spine. Different parameters have been identified to explain the high prevalence of this pathology (past history, ageing, overuse, poor technique, lack of warm-up, poor execution, etc) but there are also factors that can prevent and limit the impact of golf on the spine. These include a specific and personalized physical preparation lead by a physiotherapist. The beneficial effects of this sport include the fight against becoming sedentary, against ageing as well as the significant effects on cholesterol levels, the musculo-skeletal system, cardiac function, balance as well as stimulation of cognitive capacities. In conclusion, the positive effects of practicing golf seem to outweigh the possible negative effects such as the risk of injury