Mettre la lumière sur le consentement éclairé

Jean-marc Detilleux, Isabelle Breton-Torres, Patrick Jammet
Kinésithér Scient 2016,0572:17-22 - 10/01/2016
Au fil du temps la relation soignant-soigné est devenue un partenariat consentie. Un praticien à l'obligation légal d'informer son patient et de recueillir son consentement au traitement. Il devra, le cas échéant, apporter la preuve qu'il a satisfait à cette obligation.
Face à cette nouvelle donne juridique, la profession doit s'organiser.
Focus on informed consent
Over time the relationship between therapist and patient has become a partnership based on consent. A therapist has the legal obligation to inform the patient and obtain consent to treatment. He should be able to show proof of having done so. The profession should organize itself to ensure this new law is being respected.
Face à cette nouvelle donne juridique, la profession doit s'organiser.
Focus on informed consent
Over time the relationship between therapist and patient has become a partnership based on consent. A therapist has the legal obligation to inform the patient and obtain consent to treatment. He should be able to show proof of having done so. The profession should organize itself to ensure this new law is being respected.