La posture linguale a-t-elle une influence sur la performance sportive ?

Frédéric Vanpoulle
Kinésithér Scient 2013,0544:17-26 - 10/06/2013
The tongue has the capacity to compensate as it belongs to the craniosacral and visceral systems. It also has the capacity to destabilize posture as it is situated in the buccal cavity, surrounded by the main postural modulators. The tongue, has a close relationship with the teeth, the TMJ, the eyes, the neck, especially C0-1, the internal ear, the respiration, phonation, mastication, the viscera and the regulation of the neurovegetative and psycho-emotional state of the individual. Posture largely depends on the occulo-cranio-cervical-mandibulolingual balance. Can a modification of the position of the apex of the tongue in the buccal cavity have a significant effect on postural regulation? We will present the analysis of a study of static and dynamic balance on a stabilometric platform (SATEL) as well as the performance when shooting in basketball. Our discussion will try to respond to the question: Can the tongue be considered a key component of posture along with the eye, the internal ear or the foot?