Argumentation en faveur de la rééducation de l'orientation spatiale à l'aide dun chien

Philippe Bonnet
Kinésithér Scient 2017,0584:27-32 - 10/02/2017
Cette orientation spécifique du travail s'appuie donc sur les aptitudes propres à ce chien : sa docilité et son obéissance aux ordres, mais également la bienveillance qu'il manifeste auprès des patients, sa douceur, sa gentillesse. Tous ces critères positifs contribuent au bon déroulement des séances et à une meilleure adhésion par les patients.
Using the abilities of Eliott, a labrador initially trained as a guide dog for the blind, I developed a form of physiotherapy rehabilitation for stroke patients. I had the opportunity to briefly present the stages of this therapy in Kinesitherapie Scientifique (n ° 533, June 2012). The presence of the dog brings a substantial benefit to this original patient management. I thus built the sessions around the involvement of Eliott, despite only being in part of the treatment, his role is nevertheless essential to the complete rehabilitation reserved for stroke patients.
This specific orientation of the work therefore relies on the aptitudes of this dog: its docility and obedience, but also the benevolence it manifests towards patients and its gentleness and kindness. All these positive qualities contribute to the smooth running of the sessions and to improved patient compliance.