Rééducation et physiologie de l'effort

Quentin Bouillard
Kinésithér Scient 2017,0588:39-45 - 10/06/2017
Utiliser la physiologie de l'effort sur la rééducation du sportif blessé est une manière d'optimiser sa performance. Il nous faudra réfléchir sur la notion de dosage de la contrainte créée sur la lésion. Les aspects de prévention seront aussi abordés, ainsi que l'ouverture à d'autres champs d'applications (pneumologie, endocrinologie...).
Whether it is high-level sport or care in a private practice, we must now focus on techniques that are effective both for the patient and for the system on which the patient depends. The scientific literature brings knowledge and then integrates it into our practice while maintaining a scientific approach.
Using the physiology of effort on the rehabilitation of the injured athlete is a way to optimize his performance. We will have to think about the notion of dosage of the stress created on the lesion. The aspects of prevention will also be addressed, as well as the opening to other fields of applications (pneumology, endocrinology...).