Intérêt des prises en soins groupales des patients hémiplégiques

Samir Boudrahem
Kinésithér Scient 2017,0590:27-33 - 10/09/2017
Enfin, les effets positifs du travail en groupe contribuent à nous inciter à intégrer cette modalité d'intervention dans les plans de soins des patients.
Rehabilitation of hemiplegic patients within a group is a complementary care in addition to sessions in pairs with the therapist. It presents advantages in several aspects. First of all, it is a solution to increase the time of rehabilitation, which is relatively short in term of individual care, enhancing the phenomenon of brain plasticity that occurs only with effective stimulation. Moreover, it is a therapy based on functional task oriented towards a specific goal which strengthen sensorimotor recovery. It is also a workspace where repetition of tasks can be diversified in order to optimize neuro-motor relearning processes.
Finally, the positive effects of rehabilitation in group help to incorporate this modality of treatment into patients' care plans.