Examen clinique du genou ligamentaire

William Wanbiervliet
Kinésithér Scient 2013,0547:13-17 - 10/10/2013
The ligamentary examination of the traumatic knee has for objective to reveal any distensions or breaks of the structures assuring its stability. He must be preceded by a precise interrogation which encircles the mechanism of the trauma and looks for the signs of gravity as the initial crackle or the led instability. The examination looks for then an abnormal laxité of the knee. This phase must be accurate and comparative. Numerous clinical tests were described in a frontal, horizontal or sagittal plan. In particular, for the evaluation of the central pivot, the search (research) for the previous drawer, the test of Trillat-Lachman and the lateral pivot shift present an excellent specificity. It is on the other hand important to know well the conditions which make vary their sensibility. Finally numerous teams work on the development of methods of recording and quantification of the lateral pivot shift today. It does not exist this day of gold standard. We always wait for the one who can be used in clinical routine. In practice, the MRI is inescapable but a precise examination allows to propose very early an adapted and effective care.