Résultats anatomiques et fonctionnels après ligamantoplastie antérieure du genou

Stéphane Fabri, Isabelle Vic, Franck Lacaze, Claire Morana
Kinésithér Scient 2013,0547:35-40 - 10/10/2013
ACL ligamentoplasty operational mode never stops developing. Post surgery effects have also been maximize. However, rehabilitation protocols are not standard, with two different attitudes. Literature has often compared these two kinds of rehabilitation (classical vs. speeded up). The clinical guidelines, published in the United States of America in 2010, show that the accelerated rehabilitation is superior, but some physcial therapist prefers to use the classical way, in order to protect the transplant and succeed in getting good functional results. The aim of our study was to test the reality or not of a relationship between knee anterior laxity and functional assessment. We tested 22 voluntary patients, they have been operated on an anterior knee ligamentoplasty.
Recoil was 5.5 ± 0.6 years. A knee arthrometer was used to assess knee anterior laxity. Each participant answered to the Lysholm test and to the IKDC 2000 score. The correlation had been calculated by the difference between operated knee anterior laxity vs. healthy knee at different strength, and each scores. A lack of correlation had been observed between Lysholm score and difference of knee anterior laxity, between operated and healthy side. It was the same with IKDC 2000 score and difference of laxity. Kocher had already showed, at two years post-surgery, a lack of correlation between knee anterior laxity and functional assessment. Nonetheless, only two years recoil could leave some doubt on long term results, because the histological and mechanical transplant's evolution is only done at the end of the third year postsurgery. Our work, with a recoil superior of five years, permits to suppress this way. Our study and literature works show it is possible to favor the accelerated rehabilitation protocol. Potential transplant's desertion wouldn't have an impact on functional result.